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The township of Capel Sound (Postcode 3940) is a true gem. We live on a Bay Bar formed just 5,000 years ago. This has created a unique natural environment. To the north we have 2 kilometres of north-facing white sandy beaches - rare and highly valued in the southern hemisphere. To our south are the nationally significant Tootgarook Wetlands that are a mecca for birds, plants and animals. Below us flows a constant stream of groundwater running from the wetlands into the bay that feeds the seagrass along our coastline. Above us is a regular stream of swans, pelican and ibis headed to the seagrass to forage, to Mud Island - and to places further afield.


As a community we live in a narrow residential corridor with generally wide and quiet meandering streets. We have a thriving shopping village with eateries, music, sea sports and general supplies. The Seawinds Community Hub is amazing in the programs and activities it offers to the broader community. We are well served with recreation and sporting reserves.  And we are the only township on the peninsula named after a feature of the magnificent Port Phillip Bay.


The name of Postcode 3940 was formally changed from Rosebud West to Capel Sound when it was Gazetted by the Victorian Government on 15 September 2016.  The boundaries of the Capel Sound township are shown on the following aerial photograph.

Capel Sound 3940

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